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phpMyEdit 5.7.1

instant MySQL table editor and code generator

Ondrej Jombik

Doug Hockinson

List of Examples
3-1. Database connection options
3-2. Supplying allocated connection
3-3. Unique key definition
3-4. Unique key type definition
3-5. Setting up the page name
3-6. Displayed records
3-7. Multiple selections option
3-8. Special page elements
3-9. Images URL
3-10. Turning off default execution
3-11. Full permissions
3-12. Full permissions without delete
3-13. Read only permissions
3-14. Sort field option
3-15. Multiple sort fields
3-16. Navigation possibilities
3-17. Default buttons
3-18. Custom buttons
3-19. Buttons with large number of pages
3-20. Filter examples
3-21. Select triggers
3-22. Insert triggers
3-23. Update triggers
3-24. Delete triggers
3-25. Chained update before triggers
3-26. Logging
3-27. Log table schema
3-28. Languages selection
3-29. CGI variables appending
3-30. CGI variables overwriting
3-31. Persistent CGI variables
3-32. Custom prefix for operation links
3-33. Custom name prefix for CGI variables
3-34. Custom name prefix for JS and DHTML
3-35. CSS class name schema
3-36. CSS class name examples
4-1. Basic field definition
4-2. Field name examples
4-3. Field guidance
4-4. Field guidance hyperlink
4-5. Filter selections
4-6. Field display options
4-7. Other display options
4-8. Field CSS customization
4-9. Field sorting
4-10. Stripping tags
4-11. Field escaping
4-12. Required fields
4-13. Regular expression example
4-14. JavaScript hint
4-15. Simple input restriction
4-16. Table lookup restriction
4-17. Advanced table lookup
4-18. Complex table lookup example
4-19. Input restriction using additional values
4-20. Table lookup with advanced joining
4-21. Cell attribute example
4-22. Input field size
4-23. Field sizes
4-24. Textarea field height & width
4-25. Character length limit
4-26. Wrapping
4-27. Print mask field definition
4-28. Date mask field definitions
4-29. Number format example
4-30. Simple URL examples
4-31. URL target example
4-32. URL display example
4-33. URL prefix and postfix
4-34. Read SQL expressions
4-35. Write SQL expressions
4-36. Storing NULL instead of empty string
4-37. Storing password's MD5 hash
4-38. PHP execution file
4-39. TAB definition
4-40. Default TAB definition
4-41. Display options below the first TAB
4-42. Turning TAB feature off
4-43. Init without options variability
4-44. Init with options variability
5-1. htmlArea extension enabling
5-2. htmlArea field enabling
5-3. CalPopup javascript
5-4. CalPopup javascript
5-5. CalPopup extension enabling
5-6. CalPopup field enabling
5-7. CalPopup advanced field
6-1. Charset defined with META tag
6-2. Charset defined with HTTP header
6-3. Non-deleted records listing
6-4. Trigger for marking records as deleted
6-5. phpMyEdit integrated into PHP-Nuke

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