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7.3. Support and feedback

Bug-tracking system

We are happy to accept bug reports, suggestions for improvement, or improved code, preferably via our Platon.SK bug-tracking system where everyone can see them. When submitting a new bug report, make sure the same bug is not already submitted. If not, go straight to the new bug submission link and enter exhaustive details by filling out all the required fields.

All bugs listing page:

New bug submission:

Support forum

A web based forum has been established to provide support for phpMyEdit. There you can discuss and consult general issues related to this project. Installation, configuration and usage questions can be asked there. The forum is also the right place for brainstorming about new features, since more opinions and points of view can be presented. The whole matter needs to be completelly re-thought before it will be submitted into bug-tracking system, marked as a feature request and finally implemented.


Feel free to correct the text of the documents and messages in this project if you find a mistake or typo.

Usage of mentioned services is prefered, however if you need to contact authors directly, use the following <> e-mail address and write 'phpMyEdit' keyword in the Subject line.


If you appreciate phpMyEdit application, you can send a  donation to the Platon Group via PayPal. All the major credit cards are accepted. Please use the e-mail address <> as the recipient.

Thank you!


If you don't find in lang/ subdirectory a translation into your language, you can make one. Before spending time creating a translation, check to see if development for that translation has already begun.

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