» Projekty
» phpMyEdit
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» Chyba #399 |
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ID |
Kategória |
Dôležitosť |
Reprodukovateľnosť |
Dátum vloženia |
Posledná zmena |
0000399 |
core / general |
vlastnosť |
N/A |
2006-08-06 14:23 |
2007-02-16 22:35 |
Autor |
vistep |
Zobraziť status |
verejný |
Priradené |
Priorita |
normálna |
Riešenie |
otvorený |
Platforma |
Stav |
nový |
Duplicitné ID |
OS |
Projection |
žiadny |
Verzia |
žiadny |
Verzia produktu |
Build produktu |
Hlasy |
1 |
Zhrnutie |
Column total implementation |
Popis |
This is full source code for Column total implementation
Kroky k vyvolaniu |
Dalšie informácie |
Pripojené súbory |
phpMyEdit.class.php (116,310 bytes) 2006-08-06 14:23 total.JPG (15,148 bytes) 2006-09-14 12:10 |
Poznámky k chybe |
2006-09-06 17:08
i don't understand column total, so please clarify:
- is it like total = 45 (similar to "number of records = 3" near the buttons) ?
- is it record dependant (joining to other table ) ?
the second one is easy doable by 'php' option
the first one should be a five line patch to display_buttons |
2006-09-14 12:18
Dear Michal,
please, find attached file (total.jpg) for better understanding.
In general with 'php' option possible do everything, but in my opinion
it is not right way to write the same php code for each table.
edited on: 2006-09-14 12:21
edited on: 2006-09-14 12:21 |
2006-09-14 15:03
Well, if we agree to put this in, we certainly need unified diff against currenct CVS version. |
2006-09-14 15:15
the picture definitely helps.
there are some problems with definition (is it sum on just displayed page, or all pages with current filters, or filters are ignored,...)
an easy patch would be to have 'sum of whatever = 32' net to 'total records = 5', in buttons section. which is different from the picture.
in the picture, there is an extra row (at top or botton) defined by special query (with some sums and group by's). a little bit more hard.
the current field is really hard. we should define a $this->prev_row, somewhere in the class.
these are features planned for phpMyEdit v6. alpha planned a monthro two after release 5.6 (which is soon). can you wait or help with coding ? |
2006-09-14 20:41
I try answer:
"There are some problems with definition (is it sum on just displayed page, or all pages with current filters, or filters are ignored,...)"
Answer - It is sum with all filters, but sum for all pages.
Total row will be placed ONLY on last page.
I tried create separately "page total" and "full total", but as I know
SQL function SUM not work with LIMIT. Page separation in PME implemented
via LIMIT 0, 10.
I support not only 'sum', but also 'avg','min','max', 'count' etc.
You can apply difference function for difference column on one page.
Sorry, but I do not understand what you mean:
"the current field is really hard. we should define a $this->prev_row, somewhere in the class"
Indeed, if need, I can help with coding. |
2006-09-14 20:48
I install monitoring this bug and configurated my profile,
but not received any email on "add bugnote" event.
Could you check setting in Mntis BT? |
2007-01-12 01:40
VISTEP I integrate your code in the 5.6 version and It work fine.
But how can I align column with totals?
The results appear but in the middle of two columns. |
2007-01-12 01:59
Sorry, I used a CSS Style file and I add this line an it worked.
Thanks anyway.
.pme-row-total {border:#c0c0c0 1px solid; padding:12px; background:#f5f5f5; font: 9pt Tahoma; text-align: center;} |
2007-02-16 22:35
I hope also to use this functionnality.
In 5.6 stable release I find :
* Display and accumulate column aggregation info, do totalling query
* XXX this feature does not work yet!!!
Could we already use this sum/avg/count/min/max functionnality ?
For the parameter 'total' =>sum , what is the sum meaning : a phpMyEdit value, a php function, a SQL function, anything else ?
Or should be 'total' =>'sum' or 'total' =>$sum ?
Thanks to officialise (incorporating in the 5.6.n version, in documentation and put the status of this bugnotes to "resolved") the patches discussed on this bugnote. |