this solution works fine:
when the path of the image is stored in one table.
Now I would like to show the images from a second table which is referred by image_id:
Kód: |
$opts['fdd']['img1'] = array(
'name' => 'Image 1',
'select' => 'T',
'maxlen' => 64,
'default' => '0',
'sort' => true,
'sql|LF' => "IF(img1 = '', NULL, CONCAT('<img src=\"', img1, '\" border=\"0\" height=\"100\" width=\"100\"><br />', img1))",
'values' => array(
'table' => 'images',
'column' => 'image_id',
'description'=> array(
'columns' => array(
'0' => 'img_path'
The problems are
1.) it will show the ID of the images, not the path
2.) the html string is html escaped
Any idea?