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» Chyba #41 |
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ID |
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Reprodukovateľnosť |
Dátum vloženia |
Posledná zmena |
0000041 |
core / field option |
vlastnosť |
vždy |
2003-02-28 12:14 |
2004-02-20 13:15 |
Autor |
anonymous |
Zobraziť status |
verejný |
Priradené |
nepto |
Priorita |
normálna |
Riešenie |
odložený |
Platforma |
Stav |
uzavretý |
Duplicitné ID |
OS |
Projection |
žiadny |
Verzia |
žiadny |
Verzia produktu |
0.6.1 |
Build produktu |
Hlasy |
1 |
Zhrnutie |
Look up 'query' instead of look up 'table' |
Popis |
Great tool!
The feature allowing us to compose a description field from several fields of a look up table is great.
However, it would be even better if the description field could be composed of fields of different tables.
3 tables :
- state(id, name)
- town (id, idstate, name)
- people (id, idtown, lastname)
When I fill in the information concerning a guy, I want to select his town from a list, but it would be much better to have "State name, town name" (Ex.: Italy, Rome) in the description field instead of just the whole list of towns of the world in alphabetical order...
Is this an issue? Is this a long term development?
By the way, thanks for this great tool,
Hugues Sicard |
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Poznámky k chybe |
2003-03-04 01:17
What about three reference ID column creation for three diferent table lookups? This probably does not fit your needs, because combinations like "Rome, Spain" or "Madrid, Italy" are possible.
However, I do not have clear idea how the combinations between these set extracted from particular tables should be made. In other words, how will I determine which combinations are possible/good and which are not? Ideas are welcome. |
2003-03-04 19:05
Having three diferent look up tables is not logical, as you said (Madrid is not in Italy). With the tables mentionned in the example, a town has a name and a state id, so you shouldn't have any combination troubles.
It would be great, when I fill in the information concerning someone (table people), to have a description field for idtown resulting of a query like :
This is just an example. As I face this pb for a long time and in many different cases, I went around a dirty way, setting a field 'label' corresponding to the description field I need. In our case, it means having a record in table 'town' like
-idtown: ####
-idstate : #### (the id of 'spain')
-name: Madrid
-label: Madrid, Spain
But I really don't like it : if I want to change the name Spain to Sspain, I will have to do it in the field 'name' of table 'states' and as well as in all the fields 'label' of towns of spain in the table 'towns'...
(actually I have to manage the geographical position by continent, state, department, county AND town...)
Another question : I would like to use the same form for users having different rights (in $opts['options'] or in $opts['fdd']['field']['options']). I tried to insert extra variables to manage it, but without any success (variables get lost on the way)... Any tip?
Merci |
2003-03-14 19:12
Well well...
Actually I went around this using some code to extract from the DB exactly the label I needed, and then pasting it in a [values2] array.
This way, it is possible to gather in the database whatever data to build the description field.
[values2] option is great! |
2003-04-04 22:21
'Another question : I would like to use the same form for users having different rights (in $opts['options'] or in $opts['fdd']['field']['options']). I tried to insert extra variables to manage it, but without any success (variables get lost on the way)... Any tip?'
About the variable that get lost, did you try to use the $opt[cgi] stuff ?
I havent yet, but was thinking to use it for the same type of purpose... |
2003-04-18 14:27
Well, I tried few mn before giving it up... However using $opt[cgi] should be the right solution. |
2003-04-18 16:14
Well, more exactly: for preserving variables during various page reloads, $opts['cgi']['persist'] has to be used. |
2003-05-14 19:18
Well, if was not definitelly fixed, however reported found a solution for his problem.
Bug is postponed for now, until there will be a time to work on this. |
História chýb |
Dátum poslednej úpravy |
Používateľské meno |
Pole |
Zmeniť |
2003-02-28 12:14 |
anonymous |
Nová chyba |
2003-03-04 01:17 |
nepto |
status |
nový => reakcia |
2003-03-04 01:17 |
nepto |
Poznámka k chybe pridaná: 0000064 |
2003-03-04 19:05 |
anonymous |
Poznámka k chybe pridaná: 0000065 |
2003-03-14 19:12 |
anonymous |
Poznámka k chybe pridaná: 0000072 |
2003-04-04 22:21 |
hbernard |
Poznámka k chybe pridaná: 0000110 |
2003-04-04 22:22 |
hbernard |
Chyba monitorovaná: hbernard |
2003-04-18 14:27 |
anonymous |
Poznámka k chybe pridaná: 0000199 |
2003-04-18 16:14 |
nepto |
Poznámka k chybe pridaná: 0000203 |
2003-05-14 19:18 |
nepto |
Poznámka k chybe pridaná: 0000273 |
2003-05-14 19:18 |
nepto |
handler_id |
=> nepto |
2003-05-14 19:18 |
nepto |
resolution |
otvorený => odložený |
2003-05-14 19:18 |
nepto |
status |
reakcia => vyriešený |
2004-02-20 13:15 |
nepto |
status |
vyriešený => uzavretý |