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Index  »  Dev Resources

Comprehensive Documentation Repository

Author: Ondrej Jombík | Section: Dev Resources We have created a web-portal, a comprehensive repository of several types of documentation. Currently two types of documents are indexed. Additional resources will be continuously added and expanded.

Converting files from command line

Author: Michal P. | Section: Dev Resources
OOoConv logo When publishing to website, it is sometimes desired to have these files published in different formats, eg sxw and pdf format. We will show you how to do this from command line using openoffice and oooconv library.

Credit card digits check

Author: Hal Stiles | Section: Dev Resources
Credit cards This document outlines procedures and algorithms for Verifying the accuracy and validity of credit card numbers. Most credit card numbers are encoded with a "Check Digit". A check digit is a digit added to a number that validates the authenticity of the number.

Internet chat abbreviations

Author: Tom McLaughlin | Section: Dev Resources
Abbreviations This is a very comprehensive list of abbreviations and acronyms. They are more or less commonly used on the Internet chats and discussion forums or in the e-mail communication as well. It can save you some time while typing your message.

U.S. customary weights and measures

Author: Jarmila F. Nguyen | Section: Dev Resources
Though I have been using U.S. weights and measures daily for five years now, I am still not used to them. As a mathematics teacher I can see how difficult it is for American students to remember equivalences between U.S. weights and measures. You may find the following overview useful to get an idea of the most used U.S. customary units.

HTML 4.01 entities list

Author: Martin Karas | Section: Dev Resources
This resource should help you better use the not-so known HTML entities. HTML entities are those  , & and similar words, which can be found in common HTML page source.
Čo je Platón?
Platón bol veľmi doležitý filozof starovekého Grécka, študent Sokratesa a učiteľ Aristotela. viac info...

Platon Group zastrešuje slovenskú skupinu vývojárov otvoreného softvéru. Vyvíja, spravuje, dokumentuje niekoľko úspešných open-source projektov.

Platon Technologies, s.r.o. je mladá a dynamicky rozvíjajúca sa spoločnosť, ktorá má za cieľ prinášať otvorené technológie do komerčnej a verejnej sféry.

Aktuálne novinky
> Huge Metafox update
2006-09-25 – Metafox
New Metafox arrives... Incredible ammount of features was added, see summary and changelog in the... čítaj ďalej
> 5.6 released
2006-09-18 – phpMyEdit
After 8 month of development, phpMyEdit 5.6 is finally released. This release fixed many annoying... čítaj ďalej
Posledné verzie
> 0.7.0 (stable)
2015-09-13 – libcfg+
> 0.9.2 (stable)
2014-02-22 – Metafox
> 0.9.1 (stable)
2012-10-17 – Metafox
> 0.9.0 (unsupported)
2012-04-29 – Metafox
CVS aktivita
2010-06-21 – scripts
Shell must be bash, since dash is not working well čítaj ďalej
2010-06-09 – scripts
Fixed udp vs tcp typo čítaj ďalej
2010-05-07 – Metafox
Nasty bug preventing <page-link> to work fixed čítaj ďalej
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