Založený: 14.10.2008
Príspevky: 1
Zaslal: 2008-10-14 14:46
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Thanks for your terrific phpWebFileManager!
I have a problem when using the file.php plugin. When clicking on a file in the directory I can chose "Save" or "Open", in my windows IE 6.0.
Chosing "Save" causes no problem. I can save any file on my hard disk. But when chosing "Open" it just works for .doc files. Not for pdf or jpg. When trying to open pdf files the FileManager adds [1] to the file resulting in an error message reading "There was an error opening this document. This file cannot be found".
In the file I have made the following setups:
$fm_cfg['dir']['root'] = '../mydirectory/';
$fm_cfg['dir']['start'] = '';
// Uncomment this to enable file.php plugin
$fm_cfg['url']['root'] = 'plugins/file.php?'.$fm_cfg['cgi'].'path=';
//$fm_cfg['url']['root'] = '';
I have chmoded all files 777.
What can be wrong?
Best regards from Sweden
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