Založený: 16.12.2020
Príspevky: 561
Zaslal: 2022-01-06 05:04
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Indonesia approves the world's first Novawax vaccine.
U.S. vaccine maker
Novavax said on November 1 that Indonesia, one of the countries hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic, has approved a vaccine against it. COVID-19 Now Novawax's is the first country in the world. The Novawax vaccine will be produced in India under the name Kovowax.
Novawax vaccine is a two-dose vaccine based on protein-based manufacturing technology. Unlike the Pfizer Moderna or kyovac vaccines that use mRNA technology, the protein base is present. Using coronavirus protein fragments as an immune booster, the Novawax vaccine can also be stored at 2-8°C, which simplifies transportation and storage. especially in developing countries
Stanly Erk, Novawax CEO, said: “Novawax's first demonstration of the COVID-19 vaccine approval demonstrates the company's commitment to providing equal access to vaccines around the world. And it will fill Indonesia's vaccine needs. The fourth most populous country in the world continues to provide enough vaccines for its population.”
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