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phpMyEdit Installation     Know "third-hand smoke", a danger that should not
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jira13578     Založený: 16.12.2020   Príspevky: 561  
Príspevok Zaslal: 2021-06-03 09:17
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Many slotxo people may only know “Secondhand smoke” is dangerous from cigarette smoke that smokers emit. And those around us who didn't smoke inhaled the smoke into their bodies, but actually, cigarette smoke was more dangerous than just a second person. Because it can also pass the danger to third parties Or as we call it the danger of "Third hand smoke" as well

What is third-hand smoke?
Assoc. Prof. Chanchai Sitthiphan, Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society, stated that thirdhand smoke is cigarette smoke attached to clothing or other utensils. Although it is less concentrated, but if you get it often. For a long time, it can have negative effects on health. Because it contains carcinogens, which can cause cancer, especially children who are at risk of getting them into the body from inhalation or exposure from smokers, etc.

The dangers of third hand smoke
Even though I have been smoking for dozens of hours. But the tar or tar produced by the cigarette burn will still be soot on you. If coming in contact with children Children will receive these things. Affects the respiratory tract
Mothers who smoke Or have been inhaled smoke into the body Those toxins can be sent to the baby when breastfeeding.
Children and infants can take up to twice as much dust, smoke or 3rd hand cigarette residue as adults.
How to Avoid Harming Third Hand Smoke on Others
Avoid smoking in shared areas, such as your home, work, car, and restaurant.
After smoking, you should wash your hands every time. Do not accidentally put your hand in contact with young children. Including getting into carrying young children
Should change clothes, clean the body after smoking.
The best way is "Stop smoking" to the safety of those around you. And for the better health of your own

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