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» How to Clean Your Own Pool |
Založený: 28.04.2021
Príspevky: 1
Zaslal: 2021-04-28 11:23
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How to Clean Your Own Pool
Make sure you have the right supplies. Before skimming and brushing your pool, take stock of your supplies. Make sure you have everything you need.
Make sure you have a telescopic pole. Most pool cleaning supplies attach to a pole like this, so having one available helps. You might want to wipe off the pole to make sure it's free of any debris that could potentially contaminate your pool.[1]
A leaf skimmer or skimmer net is an important pool cleaning tool. This is a small net that attaches to the telescopic pole. You use this net to remove leaves and other debris from the surface of your pool. As with any pool cleaning supplies, leaf skimmers should be cleaned out on occasion.
Make sure you have a pool brush. This is a device used to clean the sides, ladders, and steps of your pool. Brushes can get clogged with dust and debris, so make sure you rinse out your pool brush periodically to make sure it's clean.
Skim the surface of your pool with a leaf skimmer. The first step to cleaning your pool is to skim its surface with the leaf skimmer. In fact, this should be done on a day-to-day basis to make sure the pool's surface is free of any contamination.
This is a fairly easy part of pool maintenance. Attach the skimmer to the telescopic pole to start.
Then, use the net to pull out debris. Things like leaves and other foliage frequently fall into outdoor pools. Simply use the net skimmer to remove any foreign bodies you see at the top of the pool's water.
Brush the sides of the pool and the pool ladder. Once you've cleared out any obvious debris, use a pool brush to clean the sides of the pool as well as any stairs or ladders. This should be done on a weekly basis. Simply attach the pool brush to the telescopic pole and run it over these areas, using some force to remove grime when necessary. Keep in mind areas with poor water circulation, such as stairs, may need more attention.
Almsalia pool cleaning pool in Dammam
Založený: 18.12.2023
Príspevky: 147
Zaslal: 2024-11-12 18:41
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A cozy, heated pool is the ultimate luxury, but issues can arise.
offers experienced repair services to tackle any heater malfunction, helping you maintain a comfortable pool for you and your family.
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