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» Allergy to "honey" is dangerous. Children under 1 |
Založený: 16.12.2020
Príspevky: 561
Zaslal: 2021-03-08 10:48
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People with
a history of honey allergy should avoid sweets that contain honey. Because it may cause severe allergic reactions to the point of death For infants less than 1 year old, do not eat honey. Because honey may naturally contain bacteria Can make babies sick Ready to suggest ways to prevent and act in the right way
Dr. Somsak Akasil, Director-General of the Medical Department, revealed that honey is a complex compound made by bees in the honeycomb. Honey contains ingredients from many sources:
Compounds produced by bees, such as extracts from the salivary glands and pharynx glands of bees, bees, propolis, substances produced between the bees form the honeycomb.
Flower compounds that bees pollinate, such as nectar from pollen Pollen Honey allergy is rare. It is estimated to be found in approximately <0.001% of the population. Severe allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis are very rare, but if they do occur, they can be severe to death.
If you are allergic to honey
Female Dr. Minkwan Wichaidit, Director of the Institute of Dermatology, Department of Medical Affairs added that Honey can be an ingredient in sweets such as chocolates, candies, cakes.People who are allergic to honey may have different symptoms, such as:
There is a mild hives rash.
A large number of rashes may appear if they are severe.
Some people may have a history of allergy to honey or honey candies. Within an hour after eating honey or honey snacks, symptoms such as
Swollen mouth
Chest tightness
Hoarse voice
Have a stuffy nose
Gradually, there is a red, itchy rash on the whole body.
Low blood pressure (A severe anaphylaxis)
Honey allergy treatment
Director of the Institute of Dermatology Gave further advice that To treat a severe allergic reaction, the patient must be rushed to the nearest hospital emergency room. The doctor will urgently get an allergy injection.
Prevention of honey allergy
Prevention is to prohibit eating honey and honey snacks. Before eating snacks that have never been eaten before Be sure to read the label on the snack box that contains honey or not.
Babies under 1 year of age should not eat honey.
Honey may also naturally contain spores of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Babies younger than 1 year have gut conditions suitable for C.botulinum growth. If an infant eats honey that is contaminated with C.botulinum, the infection could grow in the digestive tract and form a toxin. Causes infant botulism in infants (Infant botulism), so infants must not eat honey.
Založený: 02.04.2021
Príspevky: 1
Zaslal: 2021-04-02 16:48
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Here is the discussion about the honey and dr share here their benefits and uses for baby and the aged people. If anyone suffering from allergy disease then you should avoid and also from the kids. You must get
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for all levels of students to complete their assignments. I will share these ideas with that guy who is suffering from allergy disease.
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