» Projekty
» phpWebFileManager
» Fórum
» CSS stylesheets? |
Založený: 12.01.2004
Príspevky: 2
Zaslal: 2004-01-12 08:39
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Maybe I missed something, but I have not found in the documentation how to change the look of the generated pages.
Where is the rest of the configuration?
Functionally this is excellent, but I want to change the appearance to match the rest of my site.
Založený: 06.01.2003
Príspevky: 381
Bydlisko: Phoenix, Arizona (USA)
Zaslal: 2004-01-29 02:56
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You are right. We were not thinking about designs customization during development of this application. We made it as simple as possible, thus we hope it can be easily integrated into (almost) any design.
Basically, for the future, there are two approaches:
1. We can make very good and clever CSS classifications. But the cells and tables will remain on the same possitions.
2. We can implement some kind of template engine into phpWebFileManager and use it for design customization. Since this will be quite nice feature, it is up to discussion if smart and tiny application like this, should use templates.
I would rather go with the first way, CSS classification.
_________________ Ondrej Jombik (Nepto)
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