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Ginana22     Založený: 05.06.2021   Príspevky: 19  
Príspevok Zaslal: 2021-06-09 08:02
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Suddenly dizzy for no apparent reason Or sometimes it feels like the house is spinning until I have to hold my temples. Do you know dizziness and vertigo? are different symptoms and different dangers Because dizziness is just a "symptom" of the disease, but if you feel that the house is spinning. that's you "Sick", hurry to check to know the difference of the symptoms of vertigo or dizziness, so that you can see a doctor

House spinning or dizziness

- dizziness with dizziness to dizziness, staggered walking, staggering, poor balance

- vertigo There is a feeling that the environment revolves around itself or itself. feeling wobbly in spite of where oneself is stationary or has no movement In very severe cases there may be nausea, vomiting, a feeling of fainting, tinnitus, decreased hearing. or there is sound in the ear as well

cause of symptoms

- Dizziness, which can range from lightheadedness to vertigo. which is a non-specific symptom Caused by diseases such as circulatory diseases Neurological disease, anemia

- Vertigo is a symptom that is caused by abnormalities. of the balance organ in the inner ear which is the part that serves to receive the balance of the body in various postures When an abnormality occurs, it causes a feeling of vertigo. which is caused by two parts: central nervous system disease which is dangerous and violent Patients will also have symptoms of central nervous system dysfunction, such as slurred speech, stiff tongue, crooked lips, crooked face, or unequal weakness in both limbs. which these symptoms are indicative of There may be cerebrovascular problems such as cerebral thrombosis. Especially those with congenital diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high blood lipids, heart disease. If you have the above symptoms, you should see your doctor as soon as possible after symptoms and ear diseases, which often have ear symptoms. such as ringing in the ears, ringing in the ears, or decreased hearing

Diseases that cause vertigo

- tartar disease in the inner ear or dizziness while changing posture It is the disease that causes vertigo that is most common. This is a degenerative disease of the inner ear. therefore found more in the elderly The specific symptoms of this disease are A sudden onset of vertigo while changing the posture of the head

- Dysfunction in the inner ear or malformations in the ear It is a disease caused by abnormalities in the inner ear. The exact cause is not yet known. But it was found that the symptoms of the disease were caused by abnormalities of fluid in the inner ear. This causes the patient to experience severe vertigo. with nausea and vomiting and loss of body balance

- inflammation of the inner ear Found from inflammation of the middle ear. which can be found in both viruses and bacteria that cause inflammation which causes the patient to have severe dizziness and for many days But patients often have normal hearing. may find that the patient has a history of otitis media and then spread to the inner ear The symptoms are often very severe. Patients often have hearing loss as well.

- Tumors of the balance or auditory nerve Dizziness with decreased hearing Some people may have noise in their ears. For people with large tumors and did not receive treatment There may be numbness on that side of the face. Facial paralysis, staggered gait, or other cerebral symptoms because the tumor presses on the brain tissue

- Inflammation of the vestibular nerve in the ear Often found vertigo after Symptoms of a viral infection, such as a cold, last for several days. or a week when the virus invades the ear and auditory nerve will cause severe dizziness from days to weeks but will not affect hearing

This can be done by taking a detailed history and physical examination. including ear examination Neurological examination and balance Sometimes it is necessary to examine eye movements and eye movements. Some people need additional laboratory tests. especially if suspected of having a stroke Magnetic resonance X-ray examination is necessary. or computed tomography of the brain To diagnose the location of the lesion, so when you feel that you have vertigo, you should immediately go to the doctor. to urgently diagnose and treat

Treatment guidelines
Treatment depends on the cause of the disease. Each disease has different treatment methods, such as observation of symptoms, medication, physical therapy for calcification of the inner ear. However It depends on your doctor's diagnosis. To be suitable for the physical condition and the disease that occurs

Precautions for spinal cord patients

- Refrain from activities that have a risk of causing an accident or fall, such as driving, riding a motorcycle Because most patients tend to have dizziness when moving their head quickly.
- Get enough rest
- exercise
- Control of chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes will relieve symptoms. and make the dizziness disappear faster

Source :: joker123

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