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Platon.SK General     How to Choose The Best IVF Centre in Gurgaon
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Ivfjunction     Založený: 08.06.2021   Príspevky: 41  
Príspevok Zaslal: 2021-06-08 10:51
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With the rise in the number of infertility cases, many Indian couples are struggling to conceive a child. We understand the importance of finding the right fertility specialist to guide you in the right direction. So, we believe it’s really important for you to understand what to look for in an IVF centre.

IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is a scientifically advanced, revolutionary technique that has enabled millions of infertile couples to conceive. Today IVF is available as a routine fertility treatment in most of the advanced fertility centres in India. With so many centres to choose from, deciding which one is the best can feel a bit overwhelming.

IVF is an important decision and when you first visit an IVF Clinic in Gurgaon , discuss with your specialist about the success rate of the treatment.

The success rate of an IVF procedure for a couple depends on several factors such as the number of IVF cycles, the capability to respond to treatment, the type of treatment and the cause of infertility in the couple being treated. Most importantly, the age of the woman is a known predictor of the chance of achieving a pregnancy. Patients would like to know about the success rate of similar case history patients or patients in their respective age brackets.

When you visit the best IVF centre in Gurgaon for the first time, your specialist will recommend less complex or simpler treatment options as the first line of action. It may include some simple lifestyle changes such as weight management or quitting smoking. As a low-tech, cost-effective approach to enhancing fertility in patients, your specialist will suggest Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) wherein single active motile sperm is placed directly in the uterus. IVF is recommended only when simpler treatment fails and tests show that IVF is the only treatment likely to help you get pregnant.

IVF is typically recommended for couples where the woman has significant tubal damage and/or pelvic adhesive disease, couples experiencing recurrent miscarriage, male partner with severe sperm abnormalities, or if couples are at high risk of passing on a deadly genetic disease.

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