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» Healthy drinks and frequent sips can help reduce symptoms. |
Založený: 15.01.2021
Príspevky: 177
Zaslal: 2021-04-05 04:44
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I must say that what causes torture to women. Most of them are menstrual pain. Some people are in severe pain that they can barely walk and may experience repeated diarrhea as well. But it doesn't matter because we have a solution for menstrual cramps. That is, drinking 6 types of beverages that will help reduce menstrual cramps.
1. Warm water
During menstruation it causes a loss of water in the body. Drinking water is something that should be done to replace body water. But should drink warm water This will help the circulatory system to improve blood clotting. At the same time, if you drink cold water, your blood will solidify and it can go to armor along your spine, causing future back pain.
2.Ginger juice
Ginger is a type of herb that has a hot effect. The properties of ginger juice will help relieve pain from muscle spasms. And also stimulates the blood to flow better Therefore, drinking warm ginger juice. Thus reducing abdominal pain as well
3. Warm milk
Warm milk can help relieve menstrual cramps. Because milk contains magnesium that will help reduce pain as well. Therefore, besides eating foods that can help relieve pain Drinking warm milk A glass before bed It will help reduce pain for women as well.
4. Honey Lemon
Honey's properties can help nourish the blood and can also help reduce inflammation of the muscles. Lemon juice also contains vitamin C. And antioxidants that can help reduce menstrual pain Therefore, anyone with menstrual abdominal pain should drink honey lemon. To alleviate the symptoms
5. Pineapple juice
Pineapple juice is another drink that should be eaten to reduce menstrual pain as well. Because pineapple is a fruit that is juicy and can replace the lost water in the body. And also has properties that make the muscles relax Help reduce the pain of menstruation of women. As well
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