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phpWebFileManager General     User that it runs as
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jfeniello     Založený: 24.02.2004   Príspevky: 1  
Príspevok Zaslal: 2004-02-24 22:31
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First, great little app, thanks.

I have it installed on my intranet. For the bulk upload workaround, i created a user, "filemanager", who i allow users to log into and ftp files to, which points to the phpWebFileManager location.

Ftp'd files are owned by "filemanager" and phpWebFileManager files are owned by wwwrun, which is what apache runs as. People can see files via phpWebFM, but can't rename, delete, etc because of permissions.

Is it possible to have phpWebFM run as a different user than apache is running as?

Any other ideas?


michal     Založený: 17.06.2003   Príspevky: 537   Bydlisko: Slovakia
Príspevok Zaslal: 2004-02-24 22:45
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as a workaround you can change the chmod value of the files ($fm_cfg[mode][file]).

i'm unsure about changing owner.

nepto     Založený: 06.01.2003   Príspevky: 381   Bydlisko: Phoenix, Arizona (USA)
Príspevok Zaslal: 2004-02-27 09:37
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It is a system issue under which user phpWebFileManager runs. Because phpWebFileManager is a standard web application, you have to change whole Apache user in order to change user under which phpWebFileManager runs.

Another solution: add new FTP support into phpWebFileManager. Than phpWebFileManager will make all its file operations via FTP, what will be in factr under desired user.

However such FTP connection can be really unsecure when it is done to the remote host (password can be easily sniffed and so on).

Ondrej Jombik (Nepto)
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