Súbor: [Platon] / vimdoc / makelatex.awk (stiahnutie)
Revízia 1.5, Fri Apr 12 03:39:00 2002 UTC (22 years, 8 months ago) by host8
Zmeny od 1.4: +14 -2
Line '^Next chapter' and '^Copyright:' are not in output.
# makelatex.awk - creates LaTeX documentation for Vim 6.1
# Author: Lubomir Host 'rajo' <host8 AT keplerDOTfmphDOTunibaDOTsk>
# $Id: makelatex.awk,v 1.5 2002/04/12 03:39:00 host8 Exp $
# function read_example() {{{
function read_example(substit, str)
in_example = 1; count = 0;
while (in_example) {
gsub(/^\t/, " ");
#if (substit) gsub("\t", " ");
if ( $0 ~ /^ /) {
in_example = 1; count += 1;
if ( $0 ~ /^</) { # tips.txt:341 -- '^<$'
in_example = 0; # fold.txt:425 -- '^< Note the use...'
printf("\\end{verbatim}%s %% MARK1\n", str);
sub(/^</, "");
if ( $0 ~ /^[a-zA-Z]/) {
in_example = 0;
printf("\\end{verbatim}%s %% MARK2\n", str);
if ( $0 ~ / >$/) { # next example begin after previous example
gsub(/ >$/, ""); print prevent_chars($0); # print last line withouth '>' character
printf("{\\footnotesize %% MARK3\n\\begin{verbatim}\n");
in_example = 1; count = 0;
# print;
} # }}} read_example()
# function prevent_chars() {{{
function prevent_chars(tmp_str)
str = tmp_str;
gsub(/_/, "\\_", str);
gsub(/#/, "\\#", str);
gsub(/\^/, "\\^", str);
gsub(/ \$ /, " \$ ", str); # usr_03.txt:527
gsub(/&/, "\\\&", str);
return str;
} # }}} prevent_chars()
# function prevent_special_label() {{{
function prevent_special_label(tmp_str)
str = tmp_str;
gsub(/_/, "Cursor", str);
return str;
} # }}} prevent_special_label()
# function print_verbatim() {{{
function print_verbatim(str)
sub(/^\t/, " ", str)
gsub(/\t/, " ", str)
print str;
} # }}} print_verbatim()
// {
# remember $0 as current_line
current_line = $0;
# remove lines 'VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Bram Moolenaar'
/VIM USER MANUAL/ { next; }
# Vim user manual: screens {{{
/^ \+----------------------------/ {
printf("{\\footnotesize %% MARK4\n\\begin{verbatim}\n");
gsub(/^\t/, " ");
in_example = 1; count = 0;
while (in_example) {
gsub(/^\t/, " "); # remove left line
gsub(/\t/, " ");
# gsub(/\|$/, ""); # remove right line
# gsub(/\t/, " ");
# if (/^[ ]*\+---*/) { # remove bottom line
# printf("\\end{verbatim}\n}\n");
# next;
# }
if ( $0 ~ /^ /) {
in_example = 1; count += 1;
else {
in_example = 0;
printf("\\end{verbatim}\n}%% MARK5\n");
# }}}
# Vim help files begin with '^\*help.txt\*' {{{
/^\*/ {
n = split($0, a, "*");
printf("\\vimhelpSection{%s}%% MARK6\n", prevent_chars(a[2]));
# }}} Vim help lines
# Example {{{
/ >$/ {
gsub(/ >$/, ""); print prevent_chars($0); # print last line withouth '>' character
printf("{\\footnotesize %% MARK7\n\\begin{verbatim}\n");
read_example(0, " }");
# next;
# must be after MARK7(+MARK2)
/^Next chapter:/ { next; }
/^Copyright:/ { next; }
/^>$/ {
gsub(/>$/, ""); print; # print last line withouth '>' character
printf("{\\footnotesize %% MARK8\n\\begin{verbatim}\n");
read_example(0, " }");
# next;
} # }}} Example
# Star {{{
# line with '*vimhelpStar*'
/\*[^ \*]+\*/ {
line = $0; # remember line
gsub(/\*[^ \*]+\*/, "\\vimhelpStar{&}", line);
gsub(/\\vimhelpStar{\*/, "\\vimhelpStar{", line);
gsub(/\*}/, "}", line);
sub(/\\vimhelpStar*/, "\\begin{flushright} \\mbox{ &", line);
if (line ~ / >$/) { # \vimhelpExample{}
sub(/ >$/, " } \\end{flushright} {\\footnotesize %% MARK9\n\\begin{verbatim}\n", line);
print prevent_chars(line);
read_example(0, " }");
# next;
else {
sub(/$/, " } \\end{flushright}%% MARK10\n", line);
print line;
# }}} Star
# end of example
/<$/ { # end of example
if ($0 ~ /first <$/) { print; next; } # usr_04.txt:165
gsub(/<$/, "");
printf("\\end{verbatim} }%% MARK11\n");
# NotInVi {{{
/\{not in Vi\}/ {
gsub(/\{not in Vi\}/, "\\vimhelpNotInVi ");
} # }}} NotInVi
# Parenthises {{{
/\{\{\{/ {
gsub(/\{\{\{/, "\\vimhelpMarkerFirst ");
/\}\}\}/ {
gsub(/\}\}\}/, "\\vimhelpMarkerLast ");
/\{.*\}/ {
gsub(/\{/, "\\vimhelpParenthises{");
} # }}} Parenthises
# Section
# Modeline {{{
/^[ ]vim:/ {
printf("\\vimhelpModeline{}\n", $0);
} # }}} Modeline
# Separator + Subsection {{{
/^=================/ {
printf("\n\\vimhelpSeparator %% MARK12\n\n");
if (/^$/) { # if there is empty line, next lines are '^Next chapter:', '^Copyright:'
if (/^Next chapter:/) { } else { print; }
getline; getline; # one empty line and then '^Copyright:'
if (/^Copyright:/) { } else { print; }
if (/^[ ]*vim:/) { # there is a vim modeline,
printf("\\vimhelpModeline{}%% MARK13\n", $0);
if (/^\*/) { # VIM USER MANUAL have a different section (usr_*.txt files)
sub(/^\*[0-9\.]+\*[ ]+/, ""); # remove numbering of chapters from line
else {
gsub(/^([0-9]\.[ ])/, "");
n = split($0, a, "*");
if (n > 1) {
printf("\\vimhelpSubsection{%s}%% MARK14\n\\begin{flushright}\n\t\\mbox{ ", a[1]);
for (i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
if (a[i] !~ /^[ ]+$|^$/) { # white chars or empty
printf("\t}%% MARK15 -- end of mbox\n\\end{flushright}\n");
else {
printf("\\vimhelpSubsection{%s}%% MARK16\n", $0);
} # }}} Separator + Subsection
# Subsubsection {{{
/^[A-Z ]+[ ]*\~$/ {
sub(/[ ]*\~$/, "");
# Convert '^UPPER CASE TEXT' --> '^Upper case text'
printf "\\vimhelpSubsubsection{%s", toupper(substr($0, 1, 1));
printf "%s}%% MARK 17\n", tolower(substr($0, 2));
# }}} Subsubsection
# Pipe {{{
/\|[^ ]+\|/ {
#gsub(/\|[^ ]+\|/, "\\vimhelpPipe{\\verb&}");
for (i=1; i <=NR; i++) {
if ($i ~/\|[^ ]+\|/) {
gsub(/\|/, "", $i);
#gsub(/\|/, "");
# }}} Pipe
# Quote
# Note
# Table
# NotInVi
# Paragraph
# Special
// {
# remember last line;
last_line = current_line;
gsub(/\.\*\[]\^%\/\\\?~\$ /, "\\verb & %% MARK18\n"); # usr_03.txt:335
$0 = prevent_chars($0);
gsub(/"}}}"/, "\"\\}\\}\\}\"");
gsub(/{]}/, "{\\]\\}");
gsub(/'{'/, "'\\{'");
gsub(/'}'/, "'\\}'");
gsub(/%/, "\\\%");
gsub(/{\[/, "{\\[");
gsub(/\\E /, "\\verb & %% MARK19\n");
gsub(/\$VIMRUNTIME/, "\\\&");
gsub(/\$VIM /, "\\\&");
gsub(/\$VAR/, "\\\&");
gsub(/\$HOME/, "\\\&"); # usr_05.txt:352
gsub(/\$TERM/, "\\\&"); # usr_05.tx6:70
gsub(/\$"/, "\\$\""); # usr_03.txt:80,95-98
gsub(/\$\t/, "\$\t"); # usr_10.txt:64,112
gsub(/"\^"/, "\"\\^\""); # usr_03.txt:83
gsub(/\$$/, "\\$"); # usr_03.txt:92
gsub(/"\\[^ ]+"/, "\\verb & %% MARK20\n"); # usr_03.txt:412 usr_05.txt:278
# terminal escape codes
#gsub(/\^\[ /, "\\^[ ");
gsub(/[^\\]\^\[\[\?47h/, "\^[[?47h %% MARK21\n"); # tips.txt:139
gsub(/[^\\]\^\[\[\?47l/, "\^[[?47l %% MARK22\n");
# vim: cindent fdm=marker fdc=3
Platon Group <platon@platon.sk> http://platon.sk/