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Súbor: [Platon] / platos / press-releases / secure-webhosting-service-started-2006-02-06.tex (stiahnutie)

Revízia 1.1, Mon Sep 11 13:57:31 2006 UTC (18 years, 5 months ago) by nepto

Added press releases directories (english & slovak)
and initial press release added as well

% secure-webhosting-service-started-2006-09-11.tex
% Copyright (c) 2006 Platon SDG,
% Licensed under terms of GNU General Public License.
% All rights reserved.
% Changelog:
% 2006-09-11 - created

% $Platon: $

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\setPlatonPDFtitle{Secure webhosting service started}
\setPlatonPDFauthor{Platon Technologies, Ltd.}
\setPlatonPDFkeywords{webhosting, secure webhosting, Platon Group,

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FEBRUARY 6, 2006\\
(for immediate release)\\

Today was officially started new webhosting service built upon the priciples of
active security.

Security experts associated with PLATON mark have prepared webhosting system,
which fully satisfies the demanding requirements for stability, security and
private data protection. All accesses to webhosting services are protected with
asymetric encryption based on SSL. Even thought, their configuration is simple
and straightforward, using existing tutorials it can be handled by every common
non-technical computer user.

{\it "For creation this service, we have been motivated by the fact, that the
fundamental principles of secure communication are systematically ignored on
the web-hosting market,"} explains Ondrej Jombik, Platon Group non-profit
organization chairman and Platon Webhosting project manager.

Target group for secure web-hosting environment are especially companies and
organisations with high necessity of personal data safety and serious security
against discrediting their e-mail boxes or web presentation.






{\bf Platon Webhosting} is a mutual project of the non-profit organization
Platon Group and company Platon Technologies, Ltd.

{\bf Platon Group} is Slovak open source software development group. They are
developing, maintaining, documenting some successful open-source software

{\bf Platon Technologies, Ltd.} is young dynamically developed enterprise,
which goal is to bring alternative software solutions based upon open
technologies into the commercial sphere.



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