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Súbor: [Platon] / platos / press-releases / Makefile (stiahnutie)

Revízia 1.1, Mon Sep 11 13:57:31 2006 UTC (18 years, 5 months ago) by nepto

Added press releases directories (english & slovak)
and initial press release added as well

# Makefile - Template Makefile for Platon SDG documents
# Developed by Lubomir Host 'rajo' <rajo AT>
# Copyright (c) 2005 Platon SDG,
# Licensed under terms of GNU General Public License.
# All rights reserved.
# $Platon: Platon.SK/office/_templates/Makefile,v 1.14 2005-09-18 00:57:56 rajo Exp $

# here specify name of your document
PACKAGE = press-releases
VERSION = $(shell date "+%y-%m-%d")
distdir = $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
TOP_DIR = ./..

# define next variable, if you wish use autoprefix
PREFIX  = Platon
# Uncomment next line if you wish automaticaly add directory name to the
# name of output file

STYLESHEET            = platontech
#STYLESHEET_DIR        = $(TOP_DIR)/_stylesheets
#STYLESHEET_FILES    = $(shell find $(STYLESHEET_DIR) -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 \! \( -name 'CVS' -o -name '.svn' -o -name '.*.sw?' -o -name .latex2html-init -o -name template.tex \) -print | grep -v /CVS/ | grep -v .svn)

# Dalsie pridavne obrazky alebo vstupne subory, ktore sa nijako nevytvaraju

# dalsie subory, ktore su potrebne pre vysadzanie

DISTFILES = Makefile \
            secure-webhosting-service-started-2006-09-11.tex \
            ps__OUTPUT \
            pdf_OUTPUT \
            htm_OUTPUT \
            rtf_OUTPUT \

## END of user setup

# include rules from Rules.make:
-include $(TOP_DIR)/_templates/Rules.make

# vim: ts=4 isk+=- ft=make
# vim600: fdm=marker fdc=3

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Copyright © 2002-2006 Platon Group
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