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Súbor: [Platon] / phpMyEdit / doc / sgml / introduction.sgml (stiahnutie)

Revízia 1.5, Wed Nov 10 17:00:14 2004 UTC (19 years, 10 months ago) by nepto

Zmeny od 1.4: +3 -3 [lines]

Substitution of phpMyEdit string for &name;

<!-- $Platon: phpMyEdit/doc/sgml/introduction.sgml,v 1.4 2003/01/01 13:44:27 nepto Exp $ -->

<chapter id="introduction">

<sect1 id="introduction.overview">
<title id="introduction.overview.title">Overview</title>

How many times have you hand coded a MySQL table editor in PHP?  &name;
application provides an instant table editor.

&name; generates PHP code for displaying/editing MySQL tables in HTML. All
you need to do is to write a simple calling program (a utility to do this is
included). It includes a huge set of table manipulation functions (record
addition, change, view, copy, and removal), table sorting, filtering, table
lookups, and more.


<sect1 id="introduction.features">
<title id="introduction.features.title">Features</title>

The most important features offered by &name; are:

<itemizedlist mark=opencircle spacing=compact>
<listitem><simpara>table manipulation code generation</simpara></listitem>
<listitem><simpara>record addition, change, view, copy and removal</simpara></listitem>
<listitem><simpara>table paging, sorting and filtering</simpara></listitem>
<listitem><simpara>lookups into other tables (1:M bindings)</simpara></listitem>
<listitem><simpara>permission configuration</simpara></listitem>
<listitem><simpara>multiple navigation style possibilities</simpara></listitem>
<listitem><simpara>output design control using CSS</simpara></listitem>
<listitem><simpara>logging user actions</simpara></listitem>
<listitem><simpara>multilanguage support</simpara></listitem>
<listitem><simpara>ability to extend base class</simpara></listitem>

and many others.


<sect1 id="introduction.requirements">
<title id="introduction.requirements.title">Requirements</title>

&name; requires web server (we recommend <productname>Apache</>),
<productname>PHP</> interpreter without any special modules and
<productname>MySQL</> relational database management system.


Product is developed and tested using <productname>Apache 1.3.23</>,
<productname>PHP 4.1.2</> and <productname>MySQL 3.23.47</> under
<productname>Linux Mandrake 8.2</>. It should work well on the same or similar,
but also some different configurations. Please notify &name; developers in
the event you encounter problems with program's compatibilities or capabilities.



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