Súbor: [Platon] / ep / TODO (stiahnutie)
Revízia 1.18, Mon Jun 24 18:20:17 2002 UTC (22 years, 7 months ago) by jombik9
Zmeny od 1.17: +7 -0
Improved command line parsing:
'./ep -- ...' is allowed (empty global options)
'./ep ... -- process -- process --' is not allowed
Resized working buffer in src/proctable.h file.
TODO update.
ep TODO list
Nepto [23/6/2002]
- fix these program behaviours:
- ep anything
- ep anything --
- ep anything -- anything
Nepto [27/5/2002]
- cleanify support and contrib files in doc/ and test/
- config.h is created twice during ./configure script
- fix variables colision during compilation
- global variable `index' is declared in string.h; it is function with same
purpose as strchr() function)
- global variable `link' is declared in unistd,h; type `man link' for more
information about this function
- fix behaviour when non-existent binary to run name is specified; than will
execvp() fails and returns (it is the same as ./ep -ii -oo -ee find ./)
+ 'make clean' does not clean objects in src/libcfg+/str/ subdirectory
- Rajo, check if it is good
Nepto [9/4/2002]
+ proctable_wait2() seems to be the right function for child exit
detection, but it needs testing and optimalization (variable scope,
more clear code, ...)
+ write unblock implementation
- resizing buffer from 5000 to 50 will work at least for few
examples from file doc/problems.txt
* fix select(): bad filedescriptor in multiple cats
- fixed, works fine; there was a really ugly bug in proctable_read() when
process removing links to/from closed filedescriptor
- implement global configuration reloading and parsing
Wolcano [28/2/2002]
* add '--help' command-line parameter
Nepto [28/2/2002]
- ability to redirect whole config file input/output/errput
Nepto [21/2/2002]
- solve case (un)sensitivy of process names ans make changes
on appropriate places
- multiple config files and cooperation with command lien testing
- declaration & definition synchornization
- #include stuff synchronization
- conf.c: check if command (iow. what to run) is specified
- conf.c: structures freeing
- conf.c: check processes if they does not contain the same name before
integration with proctable
- main.c: structures freeing on failures
Nepto [11/2/2002]
- fix behaviour with empty process table
* make fd_str in fd.c static and add appropriate functions
Nepto [6/2/2002]
- handle Ctrl+C signal and terminate all processes than
- config file parsing via libcfg
- remove this cmdline parsing bug:
./ep -ii -o 2.i cat -- cat -o 0.i
- this will not properly exit on Ctrl+D (problem is with 0.e in process 2):
./ep -ii -o 2.i,0.o -e 2.i cat -- -o 0.e,3.i rev -- -o 0.o rev -- -o 1.i ps xf
- sometimes it gets "Bad filedescriptor" failure
* time to go to sleep: Wed Feb 6 05:28:50 CET 2002 ;-)
* and this will exit only two childs (a little tip: there is probably a little
problem in process destroying): ./ep -ii -o 2.i cat
-- -o 3.i cat -- -o 4.i cat
-- -o 5.i cat -- -o 6.i cat
-- -o 7.i cat -- -o 8.i cat
-- -o 9.i cat -- -o 0.o cat
- tip was wrong: there is problem with synchronous I/O multiplexing; probably
usage of exceptions flags should do the job
- mistake was in the place of filedescriptors closing by my_close() function
Nepto [4/12/2001]
* fix streamed programs bug (programs which are using C streams to access
standart input/outputs doesn't work correctly)
- finally, it is not a bug, but the feature (try in bash: rev | cat)
- allow to choose if n_link == 0 pipes will be only created and dup()-ed,
or also than closed, or not closed but not fd_set-s, or fd_sets and ignored
* since now write all notes, comments, TODO items, etc. in english language
Nepto [3/12/2001]
- Rajo sa zaviazal, ze do 5. februara popreraba vsetky ./configure skripty
a Makefile subory, tak aby sa cely proces konfigurovania, kompilovania a
linkovania viac stransparentnil a sprehladnil
* dalej by sa patrilo zistit, preco ked napisem './ep -i i -o o -e e cat'
tak sa to sprava divne, tzn. niektore riadky mi to nevrati - pricom by mal,
pretoze 'cat' to tak robi a my sme len medzi to postavili './ep' pri zachovani
vsetkych filedescriptorov (fixed; Nepto)
Nepto [19/6/2001]
- dlho sem nikto nic nedopisal
Wol [30/4/2001]
- bolo by vhodne keby vyvojari informovali help-writera, aby mohli byt
helpy synchronne so sucasnym stavom (konkretne mam na srdci implementaciu
Nepto [13/4/20001]
- Wol nam jedol vtipnu kasu ;)
- je presne 01:56 am a ja idem implemetovat uplne novy command line parsing
a config file parsing - z casti to uz mam urobene, ale bude to dlha noc...
Wol [11/4/2001]
- odstranit vsetky bugy (haha)
Nepto [4/4/2001]
- ked sa nejaky process neda vykonat (napr. chybajuca binarka, atd...),
tzn. ze zlyha execvp(), tak sa ukonci len potomok a svoju chybovu spravu
napise na svoj stderr a nie stderr ep, kam by to malo ist - treba fixnut,
ale nemam potuchy, ze ako...
Wol [4/4/2001]
+ premysliet ako sa budu 'odfajkovavat' hotove veci v TODO (this document)
(ten rajov sposob nieje moc pekny - neprehladny je)
(Wol - 11/4/2001 - snad dostatocne - v kazdom pripade - mne sa to takto paci)
- premysliet dodatocne parametre k ep (--debug --version --help --no-menu)
a ich skratene verzie a to neak VELMI rozumne
Wol [29/3/2001]
- navrhnut a realizovat koncepciu .eprc (heh)
Wol [28/3/2001]
- TOTO JE NEDOLEZITE :)) - koli rovnovahe s dolezitymi vecami :))
(toto mozes zmazat)
Nepto [28/3/2001]
- ked je vypnute menu, nelikovat s libncurses (DOLEZITE!)
- ked je vypnute menu, nekompilovat menu.c a m_*.c (TIEZ DOLEZITE!)
Wol [27/3/2001]
- spravanie sa EP pri zdochnuti niektoreho childu - minimalne tri urvovne:
- 1. ignoruje a vsetky procesy bezia dalej
- 2. spusti znova dany proces (a korektne napoji rury ! :) tak ako mali byt
- 3. bude mat zadany subor (napriklad) z ktoreho bude inkrementalne (a
cyklicky) citat prikazy ktore ma vykonat ak sa vykonavanie
predchadzajuceho prikazu skoncilo ...)
+ 4. posle SIGTERM (?) vsetkym procesom a ukonci svoju cinnost (s nejakou
hlaskou kde popise co ako preco a za kolko) (rajo, ?/3/2001)
Nepto [20/3/2001]
+ zalohovaci skript
(rajo, 3/4/2001)
Nepto [15/3/2001]
* menu musi podliehat podmienenej kompilacii, pretoze nie kazdy si ho bude
chciet prilinkovat; zvlast potom, co som zistil, ze vysledna binarka s tym
menu je trosku dost velka; sprav na to nejaku konstantu
(rajo, 21/3/2001)
* na zdrojaky vytvorit samostatny adresar src/
(rajo, 21/3/2001)
Nepto [13/3/2001]
- spravit poriadne make menu
- zosynchronizovat Makefile na sirku 80 znakov (mala priorita) oddelit v
zdrojakoch cast, ktora sa bude distribuovat, a oddelit cast ktora je pre nase
interne potreby (napr. make backup, make menu, atd...)
- ked si skompilujem menu, stale mi to rozhasi terminal, takze by sa zislo
make menu take, aby mi to terminal nesundavalo
* komentare sa pisu NAD funkciu... prosim Ta, nemyslim si, ze by to mal byt az
taky problem dodrziavat a pis ich ako vetu. Zaciatok velkym pismenom a
ukoncis bodkou. (rajo, ?/3/2001 - precitanuo)
Nepto [8/3/2001]
* zosynchronizovat menu.c tzn. spavit zdrojaky citatelne ale co je dolezitejsie
a hlavne, aby funkcie mali nejaky system (napr. prefix)
(rajo, 22/3/2001, pozn.: ved to uz bolo davno nie?? :-)
Platon Group <platon@platon.sk> http://platon.sk/