dummy file next line next line blbne nam cvsko ? sdffa stupid PAM authentication hauz hauz Nepto testuje CVS po Rajovej rekonfiguracii. Rajo testuje fixnutie chyby 'find: /home/cvshome/Maildir/: Not a directory' pri commite. kokos, zase sa cosi posralo v konfiguracii CVSka -- lebo CVS sa konfiguruje tak pridrbane, ze aj svoje konfiguracne subory ma ako projekt CVSROOT. Zlamt ruky tomu, co toto vymyslel. Testing, if CVS is still working. Owner of onfiguration changed to root: chown -R root /home/cvs/CVSROOT dummy line dalsi vtipny comment hehe, otestujeme patch na sendxmpp utilitu Michal tester. Ondrej@Athena test Nepto Sunium commit test after migration from Idea + commitinfo.sh test + some Perl tweaking... + mail sending via "mail" binary (usign sendmail) + etc. hbernard testing Nepto Delphi commit test after migration from Sunium + fixed: export: 19: Illegal option -n + fixed: sh: /home/cvshome/bin/loginfo.sh: not found