| // | Pierre-Alain Joye | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // /** * Validation class * * Package to validate various datas. It includes : * - numbers (min/max, decimal or not) * - email (syntax, domain check) * - string (predifined type alpha upper and/or lowercase, numeric,...) * - date (min, max) * - uri (RFC2396) * - possibility valid multiple data with a single method call (::multiple) * * @category Validate * @package Validate * @author Tomas V.V.Cox * @author Pierre-Alain Joye * @copyright 1997-2005 Pierre-Alain Joye,Tomas V.V.Cox * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @version CVS: $Id: Validate.php,v 1.2 2005/11/07 20:37:10 nepto Exp $ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Validate */ /** * Methods for common data validations */ define('VALIDATE_NUM', '0-9'); define('VALIDATE_SPACE', '\s'); define('VALIDATE_ALPHA_LOWER', 'a-z'); define('VALIDATE_ALPHA_UPPER', 'A-Z'); define('VALIDATE_ALPHA', VALIDATE_ALPHA_LOWER . VALIDATE_ALPHA_UPPER); define('VALIDATE_EALPHA_LOWER', VALIDATE_ALPHA_LOWER . 'áéíóúàèìòùäëïöüâêîôûñçþæð'); define('VALIDATE_EALPHA_UPPER', VALIDATE_ALPHA_UPPER . 'ÁÉÍÓÚÀÈÌÒÙÄËÏÖÜÂÊÎÔÛÑÇÞÆÐ'); define('VALIDATE_EALPHA', VALIDATE_EALPHA_LOWER . VALIDATE_EALPHA_UPPER); define('VALIDATE_PUNCTUATION', VALIDATE_SPACE . '\.,;\:&"\'\?\!\(\)'); define('VALIDATE_NAME', VALIDATE_EALPHA . VALIDATE_SPACE . "'"); define('VALIDATE_STREET', VALIDATE_NAME . "/\\ºª"); /** * Validation class * * Package to validate various datas. It includes : * - numbers (min/max, decimal or not) * - email (syntax, domain check) * - string (predifined type alpha upper and/or lowercase, numeric,...) * - date (min, max) * - uri (RFC2396) * - possibility valid multiple data with a single method call (::multiple) * * @category Validate * @package Validate * @author Tomas V.V.Cox * @author Pierre-Alain Joye * @copyright 1997-2005 Pierre-Alain Joye,Tomas V.V.Cox * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @version Release: @package_version@ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Validate */ class Validate { /** * Validate a number * * @param string $number Number to validate * @param array $options array where: * 'decimal' is the decimal char or false when decimal not allowed * i.e. ',.' to allow both ',' and '.' * 'dec_prec' Number of allowed decimals * 'min' minimun value * 'max' maximum value * * @return boolean true if valid number, false if not * * @access public */ function number($number, $options = array()) { $decimal = $dec_prec = $min = $max = null; if (is_array($options)) { extract($options); } $dec_prec = $dec_prec ? "{1,$dec_prec}" : '+'; $dec_regex = $decimal ? "[$decimal][0-9]$dec_prec" : ''; if (!preg_match("|^[-+]?\s*[0-9]+($dec_regex)?\$|", $number)) { return false; } if ($decimal != '.') { $number = strtr($number, $decimal, '.'); } $number = (float)str_replace(' ', '', $number); if ($min !== null && $min > $number) { return false; } if ($max !== null && $max < $number) { return false; } return true; } /** * Validate a email * * @param string $email URL to validate * @param boolean $check_domain Check or not if the domain exists * * @return boolean true if valid email, false if not * * @access public */ function email($email, $check_domain = false) { // partially "Borrowed" from PEAR::HTML_QuickForm and refactored $regex = '&^(?: # recipient: ("\s*(?:[^"\f\n\r\t\v\b\s]+\s*)+")| #1 quoted name ([-\w!\#\$%\&\'*+~/^`|{}]+(?:\.[-\w!\#\$%\&\'*+~/^`|{}]+)*)) #2 OR dot-atom @(((\[)? #3 domain, 4 as IPv4, 5 optionally bracketed (?:(?:(?:(?:25[0-5])|(?:2[0-4][0-9])|(?:[0-1]?[0-9]?[0-9]))\.){3} (?:(?:25[0-5])|(?:2[0-4][0-9])|(?:[0-1]?[0-9]?[0-9]))))(?(5)\])| ((?:[a-z0-9](?:[-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?\.)*[a-z](?:[-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)) #6 domain as hostname $&xi'; if (preg_match($regex, $email)) { if ($check_domain && function_exists('checkdnsrr')) { list (, $domain) = explode('@', $email); if (checkdnsrr($domain, 'MX') || checkdnsrr($domain, 'A')) { return true; } return false; } return true; } return false; } /** * Validate a string using the given format 'format' * * @param string $string String to validate * @param array $options Options array where: * 'format' is the format of the string * Ex: VALIDATE_NUM . VALIDATE_ALPHA (see constants) * 'min_length' minimum length * 'max_length' maximum length * * @return boolean true if valid string, false if not * * @access public */ function string($string, $options) { $format = null; $min_length = $max_length = 0; if (is_array($options)) { extract($options); } if ($format && !preg_match("|^[$format]*\$|s", $string)) { return false; } if ($min_length && strlen($string) < $min_length) { return false; } if ($max_length && strlen($string) > $max_length) { return false; } return true; } /** * Validate an URI (RFC2396) * This function will validate 'foobarstring' by default, to get it to validate * only http, https, ftp and such you have to pass it in the allowed_schemes * option, like this: * * $options = array('allowed_schemes' => array('http', 'https', 'ftp')) * var_dump(Validate::uri('http://www.example.org'), $options); * * * @param string $url URI to validate * @param array $options Options used by the validation method. * key => type * 'domain_check' => boolean * Whether to check the DNS entry or not * 'allowed_schemes' => array, list of protocols * List of allowed schemes ('http', * 'ssh+svn', 'mms') * * @return boolean true if valid uri, false if not * * @access public */ function uri($url, $options = null) { $strict = ';/?:@$,'; $domain_check = false; $allowed_schemes = null; if (is_array($options)) { extract($options); } if (preg_match( '&^(?:([a-z][-+.a-z0-9]*):)? # 1. scheme (?:// # authority start (?:((?:%[0-9a-f]{2}|[-a-z0-9_.!~*\'();:\&=+$,])*)@)? # 2. authority-userinfo (?:((?:[a-z0-9](?:[-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?\.)*[a-z](?:[-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?\.?) # 3. authority-hostname OR |([0-9]{1,3}(?:\.[0-9]{1,3}){3})) # 4. authority-ipv4 (?::([0-9]*))?)? # 5. authority-port ((?:/(?:%[0-9a-f]{2}|[-a-z0-9_.!~*\'():@\&=+$,;])+)+/?)? # 6. path (?:\?([^#]*))? # 7. query (?:\#((?:%[0-9a-f]{2}|[-a-z0-9_.!~*\'();/?:@\&=+$,])*))? # 8. fragment $&xi', $url, $matches)) { $scheme = isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : ''; $authority = isset($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : '' ; if (is_array($allowed_schemes) && !in_array($scheme,$allowed_schemes) ) { return false; } if (isset($matches[4])) { $parts = explode('.', $matches[4]); foreach ($parts as $part) { if ($part > 255) { return false; } } } elseif ($domain_check && function_exists('checkdnsrr')) { if (!checkdnsrr($authority, 'A')) { return false; } } if ($strict) { $strict = '#[' . preg_quote($strict, '#') . ']#'; if ((isset($matches[7]) && preg_match($strict, $matches[7])) || (isset($matches[8]) && preg_match($strict, $matches[8]))) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } /** * Validate date and times. Note that this method need the Date_Calc class * * @param string $date Date to validate * @param array $options array options where : * 'format' The format of the date (%d-%m-%Y) * 'min' The date has to be greater * than this array($day, $month, $year) * or PEAR::Date object * 'max' The date has to be smaller than * this array($day, $month, $year) * or PEAR::Date object * * @return boolean true if valid date/time, false if not * * @access public */ function date($date, $options) { $max = $min = false; $format = ''; if (is_array($options)) { extract($options); } $date_len = strlen($format); for ($i = 0; $i < $date_len; $i++) { $c = $format{$i}; if ($c == '%') { $next = $format{$i + 1}; switch ($next) { case 'j': case 'd': if ($next == 'j') { $day = (int)Validate::_substr($date, 1, 2); } else { $day = (int)Validate::_substr($date, 2); } if ($day < 1 || $day > 31) { return false; } break; case 'm': case 'n': if ($next == 'm') { $month = (int)Validate::_substr($date, 2); } else { $month = (int)Validate::_substr($date, 1, 2); } if ($month < 1 || $month > 12) { return false; } break; case 'Y': case 'y': if ($next == 'Y') { $year = Validate::_substr($date, 4); $year = (int)$year?$year:''; } else { $year = (int)(substr(date('Y'), 0, 2) . Validate::_substr($date, 2)); } if (strlen($year) != 4 || $year < 0 || $year > 9999) { return false; } break; case 'g': case 'h': if ($next == 'g') { $hour = Validate::_substr($date, 1, 2); } else { $hour = Validate::_substr($date, 2); } if ($hour < 0 || $hour > 12) { return false; } break; case 'G': case 'H': if ($next == 'G') { $hour = Validate::_substr($date, 1, 2); } else { $hour = Validate::_substr($date, 2); } if ($hour < 0 || $hour > 24) { return false; } break; case 's': case 'i': $t = Validate::_substr($date, 2); if ($t < 0 || $t > 59) { return false; } break; default: trigger_error("Not supported char `$next' after % in offset " . ($i+2), E_USER_WARNING); } $i++; } else { //literal if (Validate::_substr($date, 1) != $c) { return false; } } } // there is remaing data, we don't want it if (strlen($date)) { return false; } if (isset($day) && isset($month) && isset($year)) { if (!checkdate($month, $day, $year)) { return false; } if ($min) { include_once 'Date/Calc.php'; if (is_a($min, 'Date') && (Date_Calc::compareDates($day, $month, $year, $min->getDay(), $min->getMonth(), $min->getYear()) < 0)) { return false; } elseif (is_array($min) && (Date_Calc::compareDates($day, $month, $year, $min[0], $min[1], $min[2]) < 0)) { return false; } } if ($max) { include_once 'Date/Calc.php'; if (is_a($max, 'Date') && (Date_Calc::compareDates($day, $month, $year, $max->getDay(), $max->getMonth(), $max->getYear()) > 0)) { return false; } elseif (is_array($max) && (Date_Calc::compareDates($day, $month, $year, $max[0], $max[1], $max[2]) > 0)) { return false; } } } return true; } function _substr(&$date, $num, $opt = false) { if ($opt && strlen($date) >= $opt && preg_match('/^[0-9]{'.$opt.'}/', $date, $m)) { $ret = $m[0]; } else { $ret = substr($date, 0, $num); } $date = substr($date, strlen($ret)); return $ret; } function _modf($val, $div) { if (function_exists('bcmod')) { return bcmod($val, $div); } elseif (function_exists('fmod')) { return fmod($val, $div); } $r = $val / $div; $i = intval($r); return intval($val - $i * $div + .1); } /** * Calculates sum of product of number digits with weights * * @param string $number number string * @param array $weights reference to array of weights * * @returns int returns product of number digits with weights * * @access protected */ function _multWeights($number, &$weights) { if (!is_array($weights)) { return -1; } $sum = 0; $count = min(count($weights), strlen($number)); if ($count == 0) { // empty string or weights array return -1; } for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) { $sum += intval(substr($number, $i, 1)) * $weights[$i]; } return $sum; } /** * Calculates control digit for a given number * * @param string $number number string * @param array $weights reference to array of weights * @param int $modulo (optionsl) number * @param int $subtract (optional) number * @param bool $allow_high (optional) true if function can return number higher than 10 * * @returns int -1 calculated control number is returned * * @access protected */ function _getControlNumber($number, &$weights, $modulo = 10, $subtract = 0, $allow_high = false) { // calc sum $sum = Validate::_multWeights($number, $weights); if ($sum == -1) { return -1; } $mod = Validate::_modf($sum, $modulo); // calculate control digit if ($subtract > $mod && $mod > 0) { $mod = $subtract - $mod; } if ($allow_high === false) { $mod %= 10; // change 10 to zero } return $mod; } /** * Validates a number * * @param string $number number to validate * @param array $weights reference to array of weights * @param int $modulo (optionsl) number * @param int $subtract (optional) numbier * * @returns bool true if valid, false if not * * @access protected */ function _checkControlNumber($number, &$weights, $modulo = 10, $subtract = 0) { if (strlen($number) < count($weights)) { return false; } $target_digit = substr($number, count($weights), 1); $control_digit = Validate::_getControlNumber($number, $weights, $modulo, $subtract, $target_digit === 'X'); if ($control_digit == -1) { return false; } if ($target_digit === 'X' && $control_digit == 10) { return true; } if ($control_digit != $target_digit) { return false; } return true; } /** * Bulk data validation for data introduced in the form of an * assoc array in the form $var_name => $value. * Can be used on any of Validate subpackages * * @param array $data Ex: array('name' => 'toto', 'email' => 'toto@thing.info'); * @param array $val_type Contains the validation type and all parameters used in. * 'val_type' is not optional * others validations properties must have the same name as the function * parameters. * Ex: array('toto'=>array('type'=>'string','format'='toto@thing.info','min_length'=>5)); * @param boolean $remove if set, the elements not listed in data will be removed * * @return array value name => true|false the value name comes from the data key * * @access public */ function multiple(&$data, &$val_type, $remove = false) { $keys = array_keys($data); $valid = array(); foreach ($keys as $var_name) { if (!isset($val_type[$var_name])) { if ($remove) { unset($data[$var_name]); } continue; } $opt = $val_type[$var_name]; $methods = get_class_methods('Validate'); $val2check = $data[$var_name]; // core validation method if (in_array(strtolower($opt['type']), $methods)) { //$opt[$opt['type']] = $data[$var_name]; $method = $opt['type']; unset($opt['type']); if (sizeof($opt) == 1) { $opt = array_pop($opt); } $valid[$var_name] = call_user_func(array('Validate', $method), $val2check, $opt); /** * external validation method in the form: * "" * Ex: us_ssn will include class Validate/US.php and call method ssn() */ } elseif (strpos($opt['type'], '_') !== false) { $validateType = explode('_', $opt['type']); $method = array_pop($validateType); $class = implode('_', $validateType); $classPath = str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $class); if (!@include_once "Validate/$classPath.php") { trigger_error("Validate_$class isn't installed or you may have some permissoin issues", E_USER_ERROR); } if (!class_exists("Validate_$class") || !in_array($method, get_class_methods("Validate_$class"))) { trigger_error("Invalid validation type Validate_$class::$method", E_USER_WARNING); continue; } unset($opt['type']); if (sizeof($opt) == 1) { $opt = array_pop($opt); } $valid[$var_name] = call_user_func(array("Validate_$class", $method), $data[$var_name], $opt); } else { trigger_error("Invalid validation type {$opt['type']}", E_USER_WARNING); } } return $valid; } } ?>