#!/usr/bin/perl -w
eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if 0; # not running under some shell
# script to send message using xmpp (aka jabber),
# somewhat resembling mail(1)
# Author: Dirk-Jan C. Binnema <djcb AT djcbsoftware.nl>
# Maintainer: Lubomir Host 'rajo' <rajo AT platon.sk>
# Copyright (c) 2004 - 2005 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema
# Copyright (c) 2006 - 2012 Lubomir Host 'rajo'
# Homepage: http://sendxmpp.hostname.sk
# Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
use Authen::SASL qw(Perl); # authentication broken if Authen::SASL::Cyrus module installed
use Net::XMPP;
use Getopt::Long;
use strict;
use open ':utf8';
use open ':std';
# subroutines decls
sub xmpp_login($$$$$$$$$$$);
sub xmpp_send ($$$$);
sub xmpp_send_raw_xml($$);
sub xmpp_send_message($$$$$$);
sub xmpp_send_chatroom_message($$$$$);
sub xmpp_logout($);
sub xmpp_check_result;
sub parse_cmdline();
sub error_exit;
sub debug_print;
sub read_config_file($);
sub push_hash($$);
sub terminate();
sub main();
my # MakeMaker
$VERSION = [ q$Revision: 1.23 $ =~ m/(\S+)\s*$/g ]->[0];
my $RESOURCE = 'sendxmpp';
my $VERBOSE = 0;
my $DEBUG = 0;
# http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3921#section-2 section 2.1.1 - Types of Message
my @suppported_message_types = qw( chat error groupchat headline );
my $message_type = 'chat'; # default message type
# start!
# main: main routine
sub main () {
my $cmdline = parse_cmdline();
$| = 1; # no output buffering
$DEBUG = 1 if ($$cmdline{'debug'});
$VERBOSE = 1 if ($$cmdline{'verbose'});
my $config = read_config_file ($$cmdline{'file'})
unless ($$cmdline{'jserver'} && $$cmdline{'username'} && $$cmdline{'password'});
# login to xmpp
my $cnx = xmpp_login ($$cmdline{'jserver'} || $$config{'jserver'},
$$cmdline{'port'} || $$config{'port'} || ($$cmdline{'ssl'} ? 5223 : 5222),
$$cmdline{'username'} || $$config{'username'},
$$cmdline{'password'} || $$config{'password'},
$$cmdline{'component'}|| $$config{'component'},
$$cmdline{'tls'} || $$config{'tls'},
$$cmdline{'no-tls-verify'} || $$config{'no-tls-verify'},
$$cmdline{'tls-ca-path'} || $$config{'tls-ca-path'} || '',
or error_exit("cannot login: $!");
# read message from STDIN or or from -m/--message parameter
if (!$$cmdline{interactive}) {
# the non-interactive case
my $txt;
my $message = $$cmdline{'message'};
if ($message) {
open (MSG, "<$message")
or error_exit ("cannot open message file '$message': $!");
while (<MSG>) { $txt .= $_ };
else {
$txt .= $_ while (<STDIN>);
xmpp_send ($cnx,$cmdline,$config,$txt);
} else {
# the interactive case, read stdin line by line
# deal with TERM
$main::CNX = $cnx;
# line by line...
while (<STDIN>) {
xmpp_send ($cnx,$cmdline,$config,$_);
exit 0;
# read_config_file: read the configuration file
# input: filename
# output: hash with 'user', 'jserver' and 'password' keys
sub read_config_file ($) {
# check permissions
my $cfg_file = shift;
error_exit ("cannot read $cfg_file: $!")
unless (-r $cfg_file);
my $owner = (stat _ )[4];
error_exit ("you must own $cfg_file")
unless ($owner == $>);
my $mode = (stat _ )[2] & 07777;
error_exit ("$cfg_file must not be accessible by others")
if ($mode & 0077);
open (CFG,"<$cfg_file")
or error_exit("cannot open $cfg_file for reading: $!");
my %config;
my $line = 0;
while (<CFG>) {
next if (/^\s*$/); # ignore empty lines
next if (/^\s*\#.*/); # ignore comment lines
#s/\#.*$//; # ignore comments in lines
# Hugo van der Kooij <hvdkooij AT vanderkooij.org> has account with '#' as username
if (/([\.\w_#-]+)@([-\.\w:;]+)\s+(\S+)\s*(\S+)?$/) {
%config = (
'username' => $1,
'jserver' => $2,
'port' => 0,
'password' => $3,
'component' => $4,
else {
close CFG;
error_exit ("syntax error in line $line of $cfg_file");
# account with weird port number
if ($config{'jserver'} =~ /(.*):(\d+)/) {
$config{'jserver'} = $1;
$config{'port'} = $2;
# account with specific connection host
if ($config{'jserver'} =~ /(.*);([-\.\w]+)/) {
$config{'jserver'} = $2;
$config{'username'} .= "\@$1" unless $config{'component'};
close CFG;
error_exit ("no correct config found in $cfg_file")
unless (scalar(%config));
if ($DEBUG || $VERBOSE) {
while (my ($key,$val) = each %config) {
debug_print ("config: '$key' => '$val'");
return \%config;
# parse_cmdline: parse commandline options
# output: hash with commandline options
sub parse_cmdline () {
usage() unless (scalar(@ARGV));
my ($subject,$file,$resource,$jserver,$port,$username,$password,$component,
$message, $chatroom, $headline, $debug, $tls, $ssl,
$no_tls_verify, $tls_ca_path,
$interactive, $help, $raw, $verbose);
my $res = GetOptions ('subject|s=s' => \$subject,
'file|f=s' => \$file,
'resource|r=s' => \$resource,
'jserver|j=s' => \$jserver,
'component|o=s' => \$component,
'username|u=s' => \$username,
'password|p=s' => \$password,
'message|m=s' => \$message,
'headline|l' => \$headline,
'message-type=s' => \$message_type,
'chatroom|c' => \$chatroom,
'tls|t' => \$tls,
'no-tls-verify|n' => \$no_tls_verify,
'tls-ca-path|a=s' => \$tls_ca_path,
'ssl|e' => \$ssl,
'interactive|i' => \$interactive,
'help|usage|h' => \$help,
'debug|d' => \$debug,
'raw|w' => \$raw,
'verbose|v' => \$verbose);
usage () if ($help);
my @rcpt = @ARGV;
if (defined($raw) && scalar(@rcpt) > 0) {
error_exit("You must give a recipient or --raw (but not both)");
if ($raw && $subject) {
error_exit("You cannot specify a subject in raw XML mode");
if ($raw && $chatroom) {
error_exit("The chatroom option is pointless in raw XML mode");
if ($message && $interactive) {
error_exit("Cannot have both -m (--message) and -i (--interactive)");
if (scalar(grep { $message_type eq $_ } @suppported_message_types) == 0) {
error_exit("Unsupported message type '$message_type'");
if ($ssl && $tls) {
error_exit("Connect securely wether using -e (--ssl) or -t (--tls)");
if ($headline) {
# --headline withouth --message-type
if ($message_type eq 'message') {
$message_type = 'headline'
else {
error_exit("Options --headline and --message-type are mutually exclusive");
if ($jserver && $jserver =~ /(.*):(\d+)/) {
$jserver = $1;
$port = $2;
my %dict = ('subject' => ($subject or ''),
'message' => ($message or ''),
'resource' => ($resource or $RESOURCE),
'jserver' => ($jserver or ''),
'component' => ($component or ''),
'port' => ($port or 0),
'username' => ($username or ''),
'password' => ($password or ''),
'chatroom' => ($chatroom or 0),
'message-type' => $message_type,
'interactive' => ($interactive or 0),
'tls' => ($tls or 0),
'no-tls-verify' => ($no_tls_verify or 0),
'tls-ca-path' => ($tls_ca_path or ''),
'ssl' => ($ssl or 0),
'debug' => ($debug or 0),
'verbose' => ($verbose or 0),
'raw' => ($raw or 0),
'file' => ($file or ($ENV{'HOME'}.'/.sendxmpprc')),
'recipient' => \@rcpt);
if ($DEBUG || $VERBOSE) {
while (my ($key,$val) = each %dict) {
debug_print ("cmdline: '$key' => '$val'");
return \%dict;
# xmpp_login: login to the xmpp (jabber) server
# input: hostname,port,username,password,resource,tls,ssl,debug
# output: an XMPP connection object
sub xmpp_login ($$$$$$$$$$$) {
my ($host, $port, $user, $pw, $comp, $res, $tls, $no_tls_verify, $tls_ca_path, $ssl, $debug) = @_;
my $cnx = new Net::XMPP::Client(debuglevel=>($debug?2:0));
error_exit "could not create XMPP client object: $!"
unless ($cnx);
my $ssl_verify = 0x01;
if ($no_tls_verify) { $ssl_verify = 0x00; }
debug_print "ssl_verify: $ssl_verify";
debug_print "tls_ca_path: $tls_ca_path";
my @res;
my $arghash = {
hostname => $host,
port => $port,
tls => $tls,
ssl_verify => $ssl_verify,
ssl_ca_path => $tls_ca_path,
ssl => $ssl,
connectiontype => 'tcpip',
componentname => $comp
delete $arghash->{port} unless $port;
if ($arghash->{port}) {
@res = $cnx->Connect(%$arghash);
error_exit ("Could not connect to '$host' on port $port: $@") unless @res;
} else {
@res = $cnx->Connect(%$arghash);
error_exit ("Could not connect to server '$host': $@") unless @res;
if ($comp) {
my $sid = $cnx->{SESSION}->{id};
$cnx->{STREAM}->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{hostname} = $comp
@res = $cnx->AuthSend(#'hostname' => $host,
'username' => $user,
'password' => $pw,
'resource' => $res);
return $cnx;
# xmmp_send: send the message, determine from cmdline
# whether it's to individual or chatroom
sub xmpp_send ($$$$) {
my ($cnx, $cmdline, $config, $txt) = @_;
unless ($$cmdline{'chatroom'}) {
unless ($$cmdline{'raw'}) {
map {
xmpp_send_message ($cnx,
$_, #$$cmdline{'recipient'},
$$cmdline{'component'} || $$config{'component'},
} @{$$cmdline{'recipient'}};
else {
xmpp_send_raw_xml ($cnx, $txt);
else {
map {
xmpp_send_chatroom_message ($cnx,
$_, # $$cmdline{'recipient'},
} @{$$cmdline{'recipient'}};
# xmpp_send_raw_xml: send a raw XML packet
# input: connection,packet
sub xmpp_send_raw_xml ($$) {
my ($cnx,$packet) = @_;
# for some reason, Send does not return anything
# xmpp_send_message: send a message to some xmpp user
# input: connection,recipient,subject,msg
sub xmpp_send_message ($$$$$$) {
my ($cnx, $rcpt, $comp, $subject, $message_type, $msg) = @_;
# for some reason, MessageSend does not return anything
# mimeit01@xmpp.hs-esslingen.de: if $comp IS set, AND the rcpt DOESN'T contain an @, then @comp is added
$cnx->MessageSend('to' => $rcpt . ( ($comp && index($rcpt, "@") == -1) ? "\@$comp" : '' ),
'type' => $message_type,
'subject' => $subject,
'body' => $msg);
# xmpp_send_chatroom_message: send a message to a chatroom
# input: connection,resource,subject,recipient,message
sub xmpp_send_chatroom_message ($$$$$) {
my ($cnx,$resource,$subject,$rcpt,$msg) = @_;
# set the presence
my $pres = new Net::XMPP::Presence;
my $res = $pres->SetTo("$rcpt/$resource");
# create/send the message
my $groupmsg = new Net::XMPP::Message;
$groupmsg->SetMessage(to => $rcpt,
body => $msg,
type => 'groupchat');
$res = $cnx->Send($groupmsg);
xmpp_check_result ('Send',$res,$cnx);
# leave the group
$pres->SetPresence (Type=>'unavailable',To=>$rcpt);
# xmpp_logout: log out from the xmpp server
# input: connection
sub xmpp_logout($) {
# messages may not be received if we log out too quickly...
sleep 1;
my $cnx = shift;
xmpp_check_result ('Disconnect',0); # well, nothing to check, really
# xmpp_check_result: check the return value from some xmpp function execution
# input: text, result, [connection]
sub xmpp_check_result
my ($txt, $res, $cnx)=@_;
error_exit ("Error '$txt': result undefined")
unless (defined $res);
# res may be 0
if ($res == 0) {
debug_print "$txt";
# result can be true or 'ok'
elsif ((@$res == 1 && $$res[0]) || $$res[0] eq 'ok') {
debug_print "$txt: " . $$res[0];
# otherwise, there is some error
else {
my $errmsg = $cnx->GetErrorCode() || '?';
error_exit ("Error '$txt': " . join (': ',@$res) . "[$errmsg]", $cnx);
# terminate; exit the program upon TERM sig reception
sub terminate () {
debug_print "caught TERM";
exit 0;
# debug_print: print the data if defined and DEBUG || VERBOSE is TRUE
# input: [array of strings]
sub debug_print {
print STDERR "sendxmpp: " . (join ' ', @_) . "\n"
if (@_ && ($DEBUG ||$VERBOSE));
# error_exit: print error message and exit the program
# logs out if there is a connection
# input: error, [connection]
sub error_exit {
my ($err,$cnx) = @_;
print STDERR "$err\n";
xmpp_logout ($cnx)
if ($cnx);
exit 1;
# usage: print short usage message and exit
sub usage () {
print STDERR
"sendxmpp version $VERSION\n" .
"Copyright (c) 2004 - 2005 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema\n" .
"Copyright (c) 2006 - 2007 Lubomir Host 'rajo'\n" .
"usage: sendxmpp [options] <recipient1> [<recipient2> ...]\n" .
"or refer to the the sendxmpp manpage\n";
exit 0;
# the fine manual
=head1 NAME
sendxmpp - send xmpp messages from the commandline.
sendxmpp [options] <recipient1> [<recipient2> ...]
sendxmpp --raw [options]
sendxmpp is a program to send XMPP (Jabber) messages from the commandline, not
unlike L<mail(1)>. Messages can be sent both to individual recipients and chatrooms.
=head1 OPTIONS
=item B<-f>,B<--file> I<file>
Use I<file> configuration file instead of F<~/.sendxmpprc>
=item B<-u>,B<--username> I<user>
Use I<user> instead of the one in the configuration file
=item B<-p>,B<--password> I<password>
Use I<password> instead of the one in the configuration file
=item B<-j>,B<--jserver> I<server>
Use jabber I<server> instead of the one in the configuration file.
=item B<-o>,B<--component> I<componentname>
Use componentname in connect call. Seems needed for Google talk.
=item B<-r>,B<--resource> I<res>
Use resource I<res> for the sender [default: 'sendxmpp']; when sending to a chatroom, this determines the 'alias'
=item B<-t>,B<--tls>
Connect securely, using TLS
=item B<-e>,B<--ssl>
Connect securely, using SSL
=item B<-n>,B<--no-tls-verify>
Deactivate the verification of SSL certificates. Better way is to use parameter B<--tls-ca-path> with the needed path to CA certificates.
=item B<-a>,B<--tls-ca-path>
Path to your custom CA certificates, so you can verificate SSL certificates during connecting.
=item B<-l>,B<--headline>
Backward compatibility option. You should use B<--message-type=headline> instead. Send a headline type message (not stored in offline messages)
=item B<--messages-type>
Set type of message. Supported types are: B<message chat headline>. Default message type is B<message>. Headline type message can be set also with B<--headline> option, see B<--headline>
=item B<-c>,B<--chatroom>
Send the message to a chatroom
=item B<-s>,B<--subject> I<subject>
Set the subject for the message to I<subject> [default: '']; when sending to a chatroom, this will set the subject for the chatroom
=item B<-m>,B<--message> I<message>
Read the message from I<message> (a file) instead of stdin
=item B<-i>,B<--interactive>
Work in interactive mode, reading lines from stdin and sending the one-at-time
=item B<-w>,B<--raw>
Send raw XML message to jabber server
=item B<-v>,B<--verbose>
Give verbose output about what is happening
=item B<-h>,B<--help>,B<--usage>
Show a 'Usage' message
=item B<-d>,B<--debug>
Show debugging info while running. B<WARNING>: This will include passwords etc. so be careful with the output!
You may define a 'F<~/.sendxmpprc>' file with the necessary data for your
xmpp-account, with a line of the format:
I<user>@I<server> I<password> I<componentname>
# my account
alice@jabber.org secret
('#' and newlines are allowed like in shellscripts). You can add a I<host> (or IP address) if it is different from the I<server> part of your JID:
# account with specific connection host
alice@myjabberserver.com;foo.com secret
You can also add a I<port> if it is not the standard XMPP port:
# account with weird port number
alice@myjabberserver.com:1234 secret
Of course, you may also mix the two:
# account with a specific host and port
alice@myjabberserver.com;foo.com:1234 secret
B<NOTE>: for your security, sendxmpp demands that the configuration
file is owned by you and readable only to you (permissions 600).
=head1 EXAMPLE
$ echo "hello bob!" | sendxmpp -s hello someone@jabber.org
or to send to a chatroom:
$ echo "Dinner Time" | sendxmpp -r TheCook --chatroom test2@conference.jabber.org
or to send your system logs somewhere, as new lines appear:
$ tail -f /var/log/syslog | sendxmpp -i sysadmin@myjabberserver.com
NOTE: be careful not the overload public jabber services
=head1 SEE ALSO
Documentation for the L<Net::XMPP> module
The jabber homepage: L<http://www.jabber.org/>
The sendxmpp homepage: L<http://sendxmpp.hostname.sk>
=head1 AUTHOR
sendxmpp has been written by Dirk-Jan C. Binnema <djcb@djcbsoftware.nl>, and uses
the L<Net::XMPP> modules written by Ryan Eatmon. Current maintainer is
Lubomir Host 'rajo' <rajo AT platon.sk>, L<http://blog.hostname.sk>
Platon Group <platon@platon.sk> http://platon.sk/