* phpWebFileManager - simple file management PHP script
* init.inc.php - script initialization
* (standalone or PostNuke module)
* ____________________________________________________________
* Developed by Ondrej Jombik <nepto@platon.sk>
* Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Platon Group, http://platon.sk/
* All rights reserved.
* See README file for more information about this software.
* See COPYING file for license information.
* Download the latest version from
* http://platon.sk/projects/phpWebFileManager/
/* $Platon: phpWebFileManager/init.inc.php,v 1.14 2005/10/01 17:17:34 nepto Exp $ */
* Basic PostNuke recognition and settings
/* Strange PostNuke rules needs to have this $ModName not as normal people
will called it $PN_ModName. */
$ModName = null;
$PN_PathPrefix = '';
if (defined('LOADED_AS_MODULE')) {
$ModName = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
$PN_PathPrefix = "modules/$ModName/";
} else {
$PN_PathPrefix = dirname(__FILE__);
$PN_PathPrefix .= '/';
* Config file inclusion
if (! @file_exists($PN_PathPrefix . 'config.inc.php')) {
require_once $PN_PathPrefix . 'config.inc.php';
* Local config file inclusion
if (@file_exists($PN_PathPrefix . 'config-local.inc.php')) {
require_once $PN_PathPrefix . 'config-local.inc.php';
* Icons configuration file inclusion
if ($fm_cfg['show']['icons']) {
include_once $PN_PathPrefix . 'icons.inc.php';
* Other initialization (language settings, ...)
if (defined('LOADED_AS_MODULE')) {
* PostNuke use original variables feature for correct module calls.
if (strlen($fm_cfg['origvars']) > 0)
$fm_cfg['origvars'] .= '&';
$fm_cfg['origvars'] .= "op=modload&name=$ModName&file=index";
* Icons URL
if ($fm_cfg['url']['icons'][0] != '/') {
$fm_cfg['url']['icons'] = "modules/$ModName/".$fm_cfg['url']['icons'];
* Assign theme settings from PostNuke theme.
$fm_cfg['color']['even'] = $bgcolor2;
$fm_cfg['color']['odd'] = $bgcolor1;
include 'header.php';
* Language file loading
if (defined('LOADED_AS_MODULE') && function_exists('modules_get_language')) {
} else {
if (file_exists($PN_PathPrefix.'lang/'.$fm_cfg['lang'].'/global.php')) {
include $PN_PathPrefix.'lang/'.$fm_cfg['lang'].'/global.php';
} else {
include $PN_PathPrefix.'lang/eng/global.php';
Platon Group <platon@platon.sk> http://platon.sk/