* phpWebFileManager - simple file management PHP script
* icons.inc.php - icons configuration file
* ____________________________________________________________
* Developed by Ondrej Jombik <nepto@platon.sk>
* Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Platon Group, http://platon.sk/
* All rights reserved.
* See README file for more information about this software.
* See COPYING file for license information.
* Download the latest version from
* http://platon.sk/projects/phpWebFileManager/
/* $Platon: phpWebFileManager/icons.inc.php,v 1.14 2005/10/01 17:17:34 nepto Exp $ */
/* If you made any modifications in this file, please send me your
version or diff. I want to improve this. New pretty icons are also
welcome. -- Nepto */
/* TODO: GIMP files (all formats),
MS-Access files and other databases, especially SQL dumps;
also CVS files in CVS/ subdirectory, other files such as .cvsignore, etc. */
$fm_cfg['icons']['sys'] = array(
'UP-DIR' => 'back.gif',
'DIR' => 'dir.gif'
$fm_cfg['icons']['name'] = array(
//'core' => 'bomb.gif'
'core' => 'burst.gif', // huh?
'AUTHOR' => 'text.gif',
'AUTHORS' => 'text.gif',
'COPYING' => 'text.gif',
'LICENSE' => 'text.gif',
'TODO' => 'text.gif',
'README' => 'text.gif',
'INSTALL' => 'text.gif',
'ChangeLog' => 'text.gif',
'CHANGELOG' => 'text.gif',
'CHANGES' => 'text.gif',
'NEWS' => 'text.gif',
'API' => 'text.gif',
'BUGS' => 'text.gif',
'FEATURES' => 'text.gif',
'SITES' => 'text.gif',
'MAINTAINER' => 'text.gif',
'MAINTAINERS' => 'text.gif',
$fm_cfg['icons']['ext'] = array(
/* This is extracted from Apache configuration file,
but I don't have these small icons.
-- Nepto [5/8/2002] */
'wrl' => 'world2.gif',
'wrl.gz' => 'world2.gif',
'vrml' => 'world2.gif',
'vrm' => 'world2.gif',
'iv' => 'world2.gif',
'ps' => 'a.gif',
'ai' => 'a.gif',
'eps' => 'a.gif',
'html' => 'layout.gif',
'shtml' => 'layout.gif',
'htm' => 'layout.gif',
'pdf' => 'layout.gif',
'c' => 'c.gif',
'pl' => 'p.gif',
'py' => 'p.gif',
'php' => 'p.gif',
'php3' => 'p.gif',
'for' => 'f.gif',
'dvi' => 'dvi.gif',
'uu' => 'uuencoded.gif',
'conf' => 'script.gif',
'sh' => 'script.gif',
'shar' => 'script.gif',
'csh' => 'script.gif',
'ksh' => 'script.gif',
'tcl' => 'script.gif',
'tex' => 'tex.gif'
/* These small icons I have. */
'bin' => 'binary.gif',
'exe' => 'binary.gif',
'hqx' => 'binhex.gif',
'tar' => 'tar.gif',
'Z' => 'compressed.gif',
'z' => 'compressed.gif',
'tgz' => 'compressed.gif',
'gz' => 'compressed.gif',
'bz2' => 'compressed.gif',
'txt' => 'txt.gif',
/* End of Apache extraction */
/* Now phpWebFileManager specific. It needs to improve anyway. */
'sit' => 'sit.gif',
'sitx' => 'sitx.gif',
'psd' => 'photoshop.gif',
'indd' => 'in-design.gif',
'qxd' => 'quark.gif',
'dmg' => 'imm-disco.gif',
'ai' => 'illustrator.gif',
'css' => 'css.gif',
'csv' => 'csv.gif',
'bz' => 'compressed.gif',
'rar' => 'compressed.gif',
'arj' => 'compressed.gif',
'uc' => 'compressed.gif', /* Ultra compressor */
'uc2' => 'compressed.gif',
'uu' => 'uu.gif',
'sdw' => 'doc.gif',
'sgml' => 'doc.gif',
'xml' => 'doc.gif',
'html' => 'html.gif',
'bmp' => 'image.gif',
'pcx' => 'image.gif',
'gif' => 'image2.gif',
'tiff' => 'image2.gif',
'tif' => 'image2.gif',
'jpg' => 'jpg.gif',
'jpe' => 'jpg.gif',
'jpeg' => 'jpg.gif',
'js' => 'js.gif',
'avi' => 'movie.gif',
'rm' => 'movie.gif',
'mpg' => 'movie.gif',
'mpeg' => 'movie.gif',
'wmv' => 'movie.gif',
'mov' => 'quicktime.gif',
'qt' => 'quicktime.gif',
'mp3' => 'mp3.gif',
'mp2' => 'mp3.gif',
'mp1' => 'mp3.gif',
'md5' => 'key.gif',
'md5sum' => 'key.gif',
'md5key' => 'key.gif',
'patch' => 'patch.gif',
'diff' => 'patch.gif',
'pdf' => 'pdf.gif',
'perl' => 'perl.gif', // not used, but just for sure
'pl' => 'perl.gif',
'pm' => 'perl.gif',
'cgi' => 'perl.gif', // temporary entry?
'fcgi' => 'perl.gif',
'php' => 'php.gif',
'php3' => 'php.gif',
'php4' => 'php.gif',
'phtml' => 'php.gif',
'inc' => 'php.gif',
'png' => 'png.gif',
'ps' => 'ps.gif',
'eps' => 'ps.gif',
'dvi' => 'ps.gif',
'rtf' => 'rtf.gif',
'wma' => 'sound.gif',
'wav' => 'sound.gif',
'xm' => 'sound2.gif',
'mod' => 'sound2.gif',
'mid' => 'sound2.gif',
'sub' => 'sub.gif',
'sql' => 'sql.gif',
'pks' => 'sql.gif',
'pkb' => 'sql.gif',
'fnc' => 'sql.gif',
'proc' => 'sql.gif',
'tmpl' => 'tmpl.gif',
'tpl' => 'tmpl.gif',
'tphp' => 'tmpl.gif',
'tpl.php'=> 'tmpl.gif',
'tt2' => 'tmpl.gif',
'doc' => 'word.gif',
'xls' => 'excel.gif',
'ppt' => 'powerpoint.gif',
'zip' => 'zip.gif'
Platon Group <platon@platon.sk> http://platon.sk/